Have you ever thought about how wise you are? Like seriously... if you stop to think about the things you've experienced and overcame, you can literally ask yourself, "what did I learn from that", and your conscious will let you know. Your Inner Eye Chakra (aka 3rd Eye) holds an infinite amount of wisdom, and when balanced, it brings so much clarity to your whole being. When blocked or unbalanced, lack of imagination, heavily relying on logic, and even headaches tend to occurr more frequently. This chakra's sanskrit name "Anja" means "to know", which relates to the two major emotional responses of this area: intuition and insight.
Like the crown, it enables us to see the bigger picture of life as we know it; with both our inner and outer worlds that bring higher spiritual understanding. Many associate the inner eye with sight (clairvoyance), because it expands our vision to our inner world. But it also gets us "in tune” with our intuition, which can be received in various ways other than sight.
The word "clair", as in "clairvoyant" is French for CLEAR or BRIGHT. When I discovered this knowledge I pictured a connection to our spiritual gifts as electricity going off inside the body, as if that was a way of our soul trying to communicate. Like I spoke about with the crown; our spiritual (source) energy speaks to us in the best way we can receive, but it can also be shared in a special way through our unique gifts.
Just like our five senses of seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching, we all have a broader sense that shares clarity with us from the divine! Some may say it's our sixth sense, but I say it's our extra-intelligence.
Clairvoyance; clear seeing
Clairaudience; clear hearing
Clairgustance; clear tasting
Clairalience; clear smelling
Clairtangency; clear touching
Clairsentience; clear feeling
Claircognizance; clear knowing
These are all gifts that share a sense of creative genius! When you start to discover who you are on a soul level, you also start to rediscover what & how your uniqueness shines within your God-given talents! Read more about your clairs here!
Let's dive deeper into using visualization for balancing your Inner Eye Chakra.
No matter how your intuition speaks through you, your insight is sparked through an emotion. Most of us can close our eyes and picture something if we try to... but what happens when you let your mind wonder? This is all part of your imagination and it can run wild when you start to connect feelings to it. Your imagination is not only the ability to form pictures in your mind, but it's also a way of forming new ideas, images, or concepts of external objects not present. This is how your inner eye coexists with your creativity, and creativity in itself, is a form of manifestation. Many people fail to realize the ability to create a child is also the ability to manifest something physical! It's an actual miracle, that many of us have witnessed first hand, which we all know... some form of feelings had to be present in order to make the baby.
Am I right... or am I right?
I say all that to say, your imagination is a form of insight that you may or may not be aware of. When you strengthen (and start to trust) your intuition, you will then find clarity within the message you receive from the soul.
When your Inner Eye is balanced, so is your creativity and your clarity of self... many times you'll be able to recall your dreams as well. Practicing meditation and visualization helps a lot with balancing this chakra. Trying to sit still in silence helps, as well as listening to relaxing music or just being out in nature. Guided meditation and even doodling helps too. Below are a few ways you can incorporate visualizing your feelings and start building a 5min practice. Set your timer on your clock and give it a try!
Sit in silence or turn on some relaxing music in a quiet area. Take a few deep breaths, allowing your stomach to rise and fall, as you inhale and exhale. Close your eyes while breathing with the intention to center your energy. After you start to feel relaxed, go back to your normal breathing. Ask yourself how you feel at the moment. Whatever feeling comes up, start to imagine how that looks. Maybe it's a picture of something, a color, or a scene from a memory. Either way, visualize that energy. If it's an uncomfortable energy like anger or sadness, recognize it and try shifting your mind to an opposite feeling. Tip: if you're having a hard time relaxing try shaking your arms and shoulders or doing about 10 jumping jacks to shake off the stress.
Another form of meditation is through drawing; doodling to be more specific. To test this out, start off by asking yourself how you are feeling at the moment. Shake off any stress, if need be, and take about 3 deep breaths. Once you're aware of how you're feeling, set the timer. I'd suggest setting an intention to help you focus on the feeling. Then let loose and start drawing lines. You can challenge yourself by not trying not to take the pencil off the paper if you like. If not, try drawing straight lines, squiggly lines, jagged lines, shapes or whatever pops in your head. This exercise trains you to increase your focus. Meditation not only gives you a transcendent experience, but it also helps you gain focus, giving you the power to shift in and out of your thoughts, keeping yourself from being overwhelmed.
This chakra is deeply about self-trust, and it can take a while for you to embrace, but it's not impossible. You just have to believe in yourself! Remember, having trust in yourself is also having faith in your higher self, and knowing there's a universe inside of your YOUniverse. 😉 Discover where your imagination meets the wisdom you hold inside of you. If you didn't get to read about the Crown Chakra, please do so here.
I hope you're enjoying this type of information thus far. Creativity is a known factor in building & growing a business. Gain more support in your entrepreneurship journey as I discuss aligning with your soul purpose by sharing the basics of the 7 main chakras, and how to manifest business ideas into reality. If you want to learn more about your personal energy blocks, you can dive deeper with me by booking an energy reading! CLICK HERE.