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Crown Chakra 👑 Balancing Through Mindfulness

Updated: Nov 29, 2024

Welcome to the Crown Chakra, the space where we connect to a grand source energy. It's receptive like our brain/mind, linking thoughts and a creative unique perception. To know yourself is to know the metaphysical SELF; a bigger part of you that embraces your unique blueprint called the soul. We are all crowned to something greater that our (physical) selves that allows us access to such an abundant amount of energy. Even though the crown portal sits on top of our head, to access this "gateway" we must go within.

“As within, so without, as above, so below, as the universe, so the soul.”

I start this exploration with the crown chakra because we learn to detach from time & space and open ourselves up to so much more, beyond the physical. This chakra opens us up to creating our desires or fears, it all depending how we perceive it. Creativity enables us to find ourselvesand loose ourselvesat the same time. Many of us don't think we're creative because we don't make time to listen within and discover our own YOUniverse. We're told we can PROcreate but don't understand we all are COcreating.

Even if its a few times out of the year, those that make time to look at their growth and practice mindfulness, take the time to connect with your soul. Whether you know it or not, being still & listening to your inner voice is connecting to your soul. Its also a form of meditation and through this is how we connect to our crown chakra, as well as something greater... something unknown. But also know that its natural to feel fear of the unknown.

Because we live in the physical, we are used to “holding on” to things; attachment is our second nature. But without trusting in something greater, our attachment creates fear!

  • Let fear alarm you, not smother you!

  • Let confusion bring curiosity, not worry!

  • Let the unknown share trust, not despair!

Through self discovery you learn to trust yourself when things outside of you aren't in your control... finding faith in the "unknown" allow more room for you to co-create. Your creative process will always have an unknown factor if you're creating something new, but remember your power of controlling your own thoughts. Fear can also feel like excitement too; its up to you where you put your focus! When you let fear lock you in, blocks come about. The key is to discover the root of the emotion, so you can UNLOCK the pathway back to your (creative) flow. Let's talk about a few ways to balance your crown chakra, and be more mindful.


To believe in an unknown or unseen factor is true faith, but to trust that is knowing you have faith in yourself too. This grows with maturity, life experiences, and allowing yourself to basically "fuck up". Thinking you know EVERYTHING just blocks out new things to learn, so be mindful of your ego & start trusting that all things are divinely working in the way it needs to be for your highest good! I know its easier said than done but that's why its called a "pratice".

Be aware of your unknown fears by finding trust in something bigger than you, like nature for instance. Find beauty in something you have no real answer to how it was made. Find gratitude in something you have no real idea of how its happening. When you can do that, you can be open to trusting in the unknown! Having faith in learning more about how you react to things out of your control, is actuallybeing in control of yourself! Creativity teaches you this. Getting to know your strengths and weakness can help you see yourself in a wholesome way that helps you feel more in tune with the flow of life, release fear easier, and understand your uniqueness.

Balancing your Crown Chakra can look like feeling ok with what you see in the mirror. Its seeing something greater that you, but seeing yourself in it too. Its connecting to the soul through pure creativity or even appreciating other people's creations too. Inspiration is "in spirit" of what you're sensing... know that creativity is the electric currency that allows you to uniquely process & express an idea "downloaded" to you. Its your very own perspective and figuring out how to project what your imagining into your reality. It could simply be how you places a flower on a desk, so don't discredit yourself for doing it differently.

Tools like playing with musical instruments, picking up a paintbrush, cooking something from scratch is the most instinctual thing someone can do that brings about that electricity -- that inspiration! The creative arts all come from human instincts uniquely crafted in a way that showcases someone's skill level that connect to our natural senses. The more vast the persons receptivity to source energy is, the more unique one's creativity flow through.

So take time to engage in the:

  • Liberal arts: writing, speaking, etc.

  • Visual arts: painting, drawing, etc.

  • Performing arts: singing, dancing, etc.

Be an instrument of the intuitively orchestrated source energy and explore you're ideas as you discover new things about yourself. Discover what soul nourishment means to you right now, as you find time during this auspicious Mercury Retrograde, this Sagittarius Season.


Creativity is a known factor in building & growing a business. Gain support in your entrepreneurship journey as I discuss aligning to your soul purpose with the basics of the 7 main chakras and how to manifest business ideas into reality. Learn more about your energy blocks with me by booking a free chakra reading. Clicking here!



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