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Writer's pictureQuoy611

New Year New You Isn't Always True

Happy 2024 everyone!!! It’s that time of year when everyone starts shooting out new ideas, and/or starting new things because of their New' Year’s Resolution. Let me tell yall something… I haven’t made a New Year Resolution since I realized it was just another American ritual that really didn’t vibe with me.

Now by all means, congratulations on starting new things… but resolution isn’t the same as resolving. To me, resolutions are making a firm decision on something; to resolute. Resolve is to find a solution to a problem. When you actually know the problem that needs to be changed, the way you go about changing it is totally different than just saying you’re gonna change something. Right?

During the winter season, the energy brings alone time, for introspection and letting what wasn’t serving you die [see winter solstice here]. If you don’t really make time for figuring that out, it can feel lonely and somewhat depressing. The resolution can give you inspiration or excitement to change something, but again, if you don’t really look at yourself and the issue of WHY/WHAT you’re changing… you can find yourself back in the same place, or losing steam from that inspiration.

I hope this is helping you ground your energy…I’m just here to bring food for thought…


If you want to start something new in January, or even in July… here are a few tips to help you feel good about your decisions for a new change, as well as help you resolve a few thangs.

Tip#1: Tap into you heart space. Are you wanting a new change because everyone else is talking about it, or do you really feel the need for a change? By checking in with your true feelings, you can become more aware if you’ve been feeling disappointed, upset, angry, jealous, bored, despair, fear, grief, etc. From there, you can dig a little deeper on WHY you feel this way, and WHAT might be causing it.

Tip#2: Expect challenges. New things always bring challenges because you don’t know everything — its new! New things bring the opportunity to learn. Stay present and take it one day at a time. Know that challenges may bring self doubt, but remember, its natural… everyone goes through shit.

Tip#3: Forgive yourself about the past. Mistakes happen, but being in present moment, gives you the choice to do better! Choose to know you’re looking forward to new things, new vibes, and new experiences. There is no room for guilt or victimhood when deciding to set knew goals for yourself.

Tip#4: Dedicate time for yourself, even if its just 5 minutes. Dedication means staying loyal to a committed purpose. Be happy with your decisions that allow you to move with more intention (finding meaning to your actions) and stay the course. Think progress not perfection. Five minutes each day, can empower your growth like never before! Give it a try and find out.

Tip#5: Stay away from people that don’t share the same values as you. Your value system sets the tone of what you find purposeful and important. When you have different values & beliefs than someone, sometimes this brings about confrontation and confusion. Not all people are mature enough to express their indifferences and still be able to stand confident and not be offended. Remember starting something new is a learning process, so you don’t want strong opinions from others, distracting you from what you set out to do. You want your thoughts clear, and your confidence high so you can get into the groove of things. If these people are family members, be more quiet with what you’re working on. Family can complicate things when its against the norm for various reasons. Trust your self, trust your feelings, and get around at least one person that cheers you on… even if its someone from the internet.

Hopefully this brings some clarity towards your goals, and good vibes your way! Save this post by tapping the heart button, and remember to go to Tip#1 if you start to feel lost!



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