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Shine Like the Sun During Leo Season

Let's talk about what the sun sign means in astrology, and how you can tap into some "sunny" energy during this Leo season.

LEO SEASON : July 23- Aug 22

I'm sure you all have heard of zodiac signs, and more than likely know if you're a "Leo", or not! When people say, "whats your sign...", most will respond "Im a [insert zodiac sign here]" which represents your sun sign.

Your sun sign is connected to your birthday and if you know your "Big 3" ... you know its much more to astrology than the 🌞 sun! But since its Leo Season, I feel it's the perfect time to shine bright like the sun signs we are!

Let's talk about the sun!!!

The sun is the central light, the provider, and the main character. Well maybe I'm getting a little carried away, but this is the energy of the sun. Your astrological Sun Sign is a lot about your core personality, which inturn give details about your creative style.

Keywords that also describe the sun: self confidence, external strength, awareness, ego, attraction

Leo & the Sun's relationship with your zodiac sign...

Now the ♌️ Leo(the zodiac sign) carries the energy of theses traits! So when were talking about Leo, we're talking confidence, generosity, affectionate, loyal, jovial...

AS WELL AS stubborn, snobbish, prideful, immature/child like, self-centered, dramatic, etc. Remember there is always two sides to a coin!

If I could sum Leo up in one word, it would be "The Performer" because they know how to be in the limelight.

When the sun shines in other zodiac placements, it highlights your inner child, your personality, your strong points, and creative spirit! It's also your ego which can be good & bad, depending on your range of (self) awareness. It's your core personality, sense of self, highlighting your innate gifts and blinds spots too! Do you see how the sun "rules" and emultes Leo's characteristics?

Understanding your sun sign...

Find your zodiac below so you can learn the best ways to shine your light. ✨️

♌️ Leos are very good at sparking their flame to ignite their passions! Since they are a fire sign, having will power is something natural. They have an easy way of exerting their will to create! With such a strong sense of creativity their inner child is very much in the front seat of their perosnality. So when that child is feeling scared, it hits behind its ego, pretty much placing a pampered lion in front of it -- hence their bad wrap for being conceited! Leos shine bright when they are confident about themselves, have a creative goal, and have a way to try and complete it. Once they learn how to work through their emotions and understand more about who they are on the inside, their strengths and weaknesses, they'll have an easier way to attract the people who are here for just them, not the things they have. Finding out how to make themselves happy without the need of someone elses compliments will the best way to recharge and shine bright!

♍️ Virgos are very analytical, and like to know how things work. They are the ones that more than likely will write a driver's manual. They are good with systems, and love to learn the function of things, so the best way for them to shine is look towards their wisdom. Knowledge is great but how they apply that knowledge is where they gain that wisdom! Virgos must be confident to share their experiences, both losses and gains. When they can appreciate both sides, their perfectionism doesn't run the show as much, because theyll then learn everything doesn't need to be fixed, nor do they need to be the one to fix it.

♎️ Libras know people! They have this thing where they just understand human nature, which can bring their attention towards peoples desires. Sometimes, knowing people's wants & needs wind up molding them into a people pleaser though. Behind that people pleaser is just someone that just wants to be seen in a "good" light. When Libras understand how embrace themselves fully, instead of what society judges as good vs bad, they will understand purpose. They will be able to know what peace feels like within themselves, instead of being the peace maker all the time. Libras shine bright by being confident in their own moral code (system) so it can be easier to navigate their balancing act, and harder for them to be swayed into doing something for someone else.

♏️ Scorpios are intense feelers and would rather not shine... it really depends. You see if they have been able to feel comfortable around others that they know are authentic, they'll shine so bright it will feel like a laser beam is shining through them too. But if they're around people hiding behind masks, they move the way they need to without really having any light. They are usually drawn to things with multiple layers, because they know the weight of reality, and anything thats not multi-dimensional is just superficial. When Scorpio learns how to go to the depths of their own feelings, they learn how to transmute them into new energies. They create magic, and that is where they shine. How they manipulate their own magic depends on their morality. They shine from within when they understand their inner strength and trust themself to be vulnerable in times of transition.

♐️ Sagittarius are usually late bloomers. They can always see the big picture, yet have a hard time knowing what small steps to take to reach the end mark. No matter the adventure, their optimism will help them explore what is necessary to find the truth. But not all truths are THEIR truths. Sags shine bright when they understand their own true meaning of life, what makes them feel alive, and why they are seeking it. They will shine within the stories of their resilience and what makes them feel free.

♑️ Capricorns love to have a sense of achievement and dont mind rolling up their sleeves to reach their goals. As an earth sign, they need something materialistic to ground in their reality. Their seriousness and responsibility are definitly good for getting tasks complete, but they also need to know its ok to take a chill pill too. Caps shine in their tenacity and determination to get the job done. There is always work to do, but Capricorns must know they don't always have to go the rough side of the mountain. They shine bright within knowing their resources that allow them to grow; inside and out! Self care tools can take them a long way!

♒️ Aquarius dont mind being different, unless they spend too long paying attention to themselves. Does it make sense? It will if you understand their language. 🤣 They are usually considered the eccentric ones out of the bunch because they see into the future, or should I say other universes. Their vision comes from an intuitive natural skill that needs to be processed and grounded. They shine bright when they can be more open to self exploration; in a way that is self reflective & appreciative of their gifts. They need to know its ok to show your face and come from behind the curtain sometimes. Aquarius shines bright by sharing their brilliance in a formula that changes them, yet mirrors people in a way that allows them to grow too. When Aquas are willing to be the change they want to see in the world... they are ready to show up for others that are on the same frequency.

♓️ Pisces are the dreamers, and without dreamers how do the ideas get created. Even though they may be impractical at times, and in your own world... Pisces compassion speaks volumes. Many times Pisces receive all the shit at the end of the hill. But just because they understand people's shit, doesn't mean they have to wear it. Their empathy is needed but its more valuable when they use it on themselves. Pisces shines bright when they have boundaries with self compassion; this way they know their cap and feel emotionally stable within knowing what they are willing to do and won't do.

♈️ Aries are self starters. They are usually independent, know how to work alone, and get shit done... even if it was impulsive and might have to go at it again in a better fashion. They usually are seen as selfish and dont know how to share, but in the light of it all, they shine bright as being a leader. Know that their passionate energy is felt dearly by the right people that trust them. Aries needs to know that when passion supersedes with fear, it turns into obsession and can easily be swayed by their control. Leaders learn from their followers too. Aries will shine when they are open to listen to feedback and allow others to choose to join their team. It doesn't me they have to listen, yet what you think you already know automatically shuts out more info. Light the path for others, regardless if people are with you or 50ft behind you.

♉️ Taurus knows the long and scenic route is the best way to learn. They aren't in a rush to get things done because they want to know how they can do all this work with less effort. There is magic in their consistency. They must feel comfortable enough to apply their efforts in a way where they can see the beauty of their own common sense. When Taurus can understand their strongest sense (smell, taste, etc.) they should use that to their best ability to help complete their tasks. They shine bright with knowing that their best qualities come from within, which helps create their masterpiece... also knowing they can make it again & again if need be.

♊️ Gemini is the curious busybody that knows a million things, yet hasn't tried nearly half of what they just read. They love to know, which draws them in everytime, but they usually dont stick around for the full experience. If they are captured by something interesting and spend enough time to get the full experience, it will serve them for a lifetime. Geminis shine bright by being able to apply their knowledge to situations that need decisions made. When they realize their best answers (and decisions) come from their wisdom... not some fact sheet, they bring order to their confusion. Its easy for Gemini to receive information, but to digest all of it allows them to learn lessons that can be shared with others as an unforgettable experience. If they can be more patient with themselves & their process, they will share with you golden advice.

♋️ Cancers nourish whatever they put their finger on, but often more times than not, they will forget about the nourishment they need to feel fulfilled. They are highly intuitive and can get lost in the sauce of someone else's emotional needs. They dont realize how intune they can be with someone; Cancer can have a habit of getting lost in someone else's energy, for better or for worse. They need to understand the difference between their own feelings and what causes them to be so infacuated by someone else's feelings. Cancer shines bright by knowing their own energy, and understanding their own intuitive nature, so they can pamper themselves in a way that adds to their own fulfillment. They need to know what energy is best for them, and respect themselves enough to know when they need time alone to recharge.


I hope this helps you shine during the rest of Leo Season and in general, so you can embrace more self awareness. If you're looking for more support in your path of self discovery, creative gifts and soul growth, check out my "Soul Discovery Reading". I'd love to meet you 🥰 and talk more about your star qualities.

Let me know what stood out for you in the comments below.



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