Ever felt like certain truths might get you in trouble, if you share it freely? When was the last time you truly felt heard, or even allowed yourself to speak your truth? The thing about the Throat Chakra is understanding your emotions -- what are they saying and what's the best way to express your truth with clarity? If you’ve ever hesitated to share your thoughts or felt disconnected from your voice, I'd love for you to explore some of those questions.
The Throat Chakra governs our ability to communicate, express ourselves, and honor our personal truths. When balanced, it allows us to speak with clarity and integrity. When blocked, however, it can result in fear of expression, miscommunication, or even physical symptoms like sore throats and tension in the neck. Learning how to use your voice intentionally, when and where it’s needed, is key!
Your voice is a unique vibration that has the ability to match other people’s frequency, like when different instruments harmonize in a beautiful song. But not everyone is alway on the same tune. And that’s okay. This is why it's essential to listen, discover, and honor your own tune. When you do, you begin to build something foundational: integrity. Integrity is rooted in truth—not just the truth you share but the truth you live. Even negativity can be true in the moment, but you have to be able to look in the mirror, and acknowledge that truth first! What point of view are you looking at, and how broad is your perspective? Even though your truth, my truth, and someone else’s can coexist, it's vital to explore different forms of expression, rather than suppressing yourself.
How you see yourself and talk to yourself is everything. Remember, the throat chakra is the bridge between the mind & heart. When the bridge is broken (or misaligned) chaos can break loose, making you feel bad and confused about what even happened. When the bridge has a clear pathway, allowing the mind & heart to be on the same page, you feel more at ease & empowered because you're more mindful about what you're expressing. I feel like the connecting points of "the bridge" is like the Universal Law of Resonance. How you express yourself has the power to energetically shape your reality. You speak it, and so it is!
"The Law of resonance, at its core, suggests that the frequency of our thoughts, emotions, and experiences has a magnetic quality, drawing in similar energies from the external world."
Our words are very powerful, but let’s not forget that silence is also an expression with just as much power! In moments of pause & reflection, silence can carry as much weight as words. However, it’s important to discern when silence serves you and when it doesn't.
When it comes to branding yourself and sharing your story, having a balanced throat chakra will definitely help you when you start promoting! To bring your 💙 Throat Chakra into balance, focus on listening—deeply. Listening to yourself, or to others, is one of the most powerful ways to foster authentic expression. When you take the time to truly hear others, as well as your own voice, you can respond with truth and alignment.
Practices to help you balance your throat chakra and communicate more authentically:
Journaling: writing down your thoughts is a form of expression that helps you connect with your inner truth.
Singing and humming: these simple, vibrational practices can open your voice and release tension... even if you can't carry a tune.
Breathwork and meditation: focusing on the throat area during breathwork can help bring awareness to this energy center.
Your voice is more than sound; it’s your essence and your truth... its your power! Whether through words, silence, or song, honor the energy of your unique expression, your brought to this world!
Didn't get to read about the 3rd Eye Chakra, please do so here.
I hope you're enjoying this type of information thus far. Creativity is a known factor in building & growing a business. Gain more support in your entrepreneurship journey as I discuss aligning with your soul purpose by sharing the basics of the 7 main chakras, and how to manifest business ideas into reality. If you want to learn more about your personal energy blocks, you can dive deeper with me by booking an energy reading! CLICK HERE.